Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leadership Project Hub

 What follows is all of the required components for my month 11 Leadership Project. 

Component 1:  Introductory Paragraph

In my Leadership Project, I take you through the journey from beginning to end, including changing teaching assignments 4 months into the program, the hardships I faced with my new teaching assignment, the challenges I faced with data collection, and the surprising and uplifting results I found.  This journey has been incredibly meaningful and enlightening, and I hope I can convey all of the emotions I went through, as well as the data I poured over and collected along the way. 

Links to previous Leadership Project Blog Posts:  
Week 2:
Week 3:

Leadership Project Google Document:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you packed a lot of information into your five slides. Amazing. Great visual representation. Great project. Good luck.
