Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leadership Project Feedback

Since I missed the Wimba session where we got the opportunity to present our project and receive feedback (because I was in my summer tutoring session), I sent my presentation to two of my co-workers.  They are both Alternative Education teachers whose opinions I value greatly.  Below you can find their responses to my presentation. 

Feedback #1--Niki R.

The section about your Literature Review is a little confusing for someone who has no previous knowledge of your paper, so maybe expand that just a little.  I would go into more detail on this section.  Your findings seem conclusive, but do a little more reflection.  Explain the pre- and post-surveys a little more.  Remember, this project is for people who have no idea what you have been doing, and need to be clued in.  Overall, good job.  Just expand those sections, and I think you will have a very nice presentation. 

Feedback #2--Carol S.  
So, this is why you  had your students working with those computer applications so much!  How exciting to see something that involves our school.  I'm pleased to see that your thesis was pretty much proven, despite the obvious snags that come with teaching at our site.  It is hard to get consistent data in any capacity, so I understand some of the problems you faced.  Regarding the project, I think you need to clarify it and be very specific about what your process was and what happened.  I think you assumed people would just know what a challenge based research project is.  You should explain that a little more.  I would have liked to read more about what you found in your readings for your literature review, too.  The slides look really put together, so good job on that front.  Just make everything a little more specific.

From this feedback, I realize that I need to tighten up several aspects of my presentation.  I got used to writing for an audience who knew what was going on, what the process was.  Writing for my website and writing for this presentation are two drastically different undertakings.  I am going to work on clarifications and making everything more specific and precise.  I appreciate this feedback immensely.  

1 comment:

  1. Cool feedback. I hope that they were able to help you fix some of the possible kinks in your work. Good job.
