Saturday, June 25, 2011

ETC Final Project

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario
Kimberly Riffle

Brief Overview: In this scenario, learners use previous knowledge and basic computer skills to create a short video with a Web 2.0 tool called Go Animate. This scenario was conducted with teachers during an alternative certification course (Classroom Management).

1. Target Audience- My target audience consisted of 20 teachers who were attending an alternative certification course. Some of them taught elementary school, some middle school, and some high school.

2. Materials
• Computers
• Internet access
• Classroom Management textbook
• Previously compiled list of classroom rules/procedures
• Creativity

3. Objectives– By the end of the presentation, learners should be able to:
• recall how to access the site, their videos, and the general procedure of creating a video, (knowledge)
• demonstrate their knowledge of the site tools by (comprehension)
• preparing a short video about their classroom rules and procedures, (application)
• distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses for this tool in their classroom, and (analysis)
• choose the best lesson to incorporate this tool into. (evaluation)

4. Procedure–
• Introduce Web 2.0 tools, define and explain with a PowerPoint presentation (I will use a short video, which can be found here:
• Present information that justifies using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.
• Describe the tool and give a tutorial using an overhead projector, and students were in a classroom with computers, so access will not be an issue.
• Give the audience possible scenarios for implementing this tool into their classroom.
• Prime the audience’s background knowledge. They are going to make a video about the classroom rules/procedures they want to implement, so they need to review their list.
• Give the audience a dialogue minimum and maximum for their videos.
• Set them free to create their video, and monitor their progress by floating around the room, giving help where it is needed.
• Learners must share their video with at least one other person, and give feedback on one other person’s video. The videos can be found on the Google spreadsheet that will be compiled prior to the audience filling out the survey and providing the link to their video.
• Learners must complete the online survey provided by the instructor, providing a working link to their video.

5. Web 2.0 Tool– The tool I am working with is called Go Animate. This is a tool that allows users to create dialogue and animated content using setting and character templates. The link is

6. Social Participation/Social Learning– This site is all about social interactions. Learners can publish their videos to You Tube, embed them on blogs, or email them to friends and classmates. Like You Tube, Go Animate users can post comments on another student’s video, and even use a unique system to rate other videos. With this lesson, learners must share their video with at least one other student, and post a comment on at least one other student’s video.

7. Making Connections– Forming Connections:
a) Learners must connect with previous knowledge regarding classroom rules and procedures in order to make an appropriate video.
b) Learners will connect with the content because information about rules and procedures is relevant and pertinent to these educators. They will connect with the site because the tool itself is relevant to the digital natives found in classrooms of today.
c) The sharing options of the tool can make a global connection. By publishing the created content to You Tube or to a blog, and using strategic tags to reach the desired audience, a person could connect with educators and learners all over the world.

8. Create/Produce – The student must create a video showcasing their classroom rules/procedures. The student produces every aspect of the video. He/she chooses the setting, characters, content, and creates the dialogue strategically.

9. Assessment –Assessment will come in the form of peer reviews of videos and comments left on videos. I will view each video and complete a rubric for each. I will give feedback in the form of comments on the videos. Self-assessment occurs when the student completes the survey. I will also assess if each of the objectives has been met through reading the feedback left on the survey.

10. Reflection
a. Learners have the opportunity to reflect on and analyze their success through filling out an online survey created by the trainer. Learners reflect on the tool’s usefulness and relevance in their classrooms, with their students. Learners also reflect on whether or not the tool helped to reinforce their knowledge of classroom rules/procedures.

b. The survey also provides the trainer with valuable feedback that can be read and charted for analysis. The trainer is afforded the opportunity to reflect on the amount of direction and priming given to the students. Viewing the learners’ videos provides feedback as well. If the majority of student videos included what the directions specified, the trainer knows the presentation was successful. If there was content that was lacking, the trainer knows there is a need to adjust the directions/presentation accordingly.


  1. Hey Kim,

    I used goanimate for my RILS as well, however because our school year was extended, I was able to implement the lesson with my class. The reviews from my kids were as positive as those from your colleagues! :-) I really like the reflection and assessment portion of your RILS and wish I would've known you were using it too, so we could've collaborated. Next time... ;-)

  2. Hi Kim. Following your goanimate blog as inspired me to explore the possible ways I could easily implement this cool Web 2.0 tool in my classroom. Thank you for sharing your experience. Your video provided evidence that this tool keeps the audience engaged and allows for individuals to immerse themselves in being creative.

    I also wanted to commend you on your flexibility in completing this assignment without your student population. You did a fine job implementing your RILS using the adult audience that was accessible to you at the time. Great work!

  3. Amazing! I am living and learning GoAnimate vicariously through you and Nikki. You did a great job of thinking outside the box. I hope we can work together in a group again next month.

  4. Presenting this to colleagues was a great idea! I think GoAnimate is quite exciting and plan to explore it myself to assess whether it would be beneficial to use it in my environment. Great job!
