Saturday, June 4, 2011


Technology reviewed:  Flixlab iPhone application

Since so many of my students currently use iPhones, this application would be useful and relevant.  Flixlab allows users to upload, remix, and remaster movies taken on their iPhones.  This seems to work similarly to iMovie, where users can add text and produce movies almost instantly.  The best part is that everything is done on the iPhone, a type of technology many students can easily bring to class and use.  This is not like having students bring laptops to class (because many of them do not own laptops, and the wireless in my school is shoddy at best and requires a password), or having to use the computer lab at school and hope the computers work that day. 

One of the other perks of this application is that is allows users to post their movies to Facebook, sharing their finished product with their friends.  It even allows friends to add clips to the movies.  So, if we use this in class and one person missed a shot with their iPhone, another student can add the shot or clip into the movie.  This application allows for a great deal of sharing and collaboration.  My students could make a movie that pertains to what we are learning, such as a class novel or reading selection, using their own technology, starring their peers and classmates, and share it with their friends.  This is what they are already doing on their own time, except now it will involve learning.  Genius! 

This application is relevant to my CBR project--Motivating Students with Technology.  It would fuse the two ideas, motivation and technology, together in a truly meaningful manner.  If students are already using their phones in class, why not allow them to benefit from the use?  This way they would undoubtedly be engaged.  

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